Research Papers on Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a problem in a number of countries around the world. A few may agree that the United States is the leader in having too many children being considered overweight. The problem is becoming an epidemic since there are a number of issues that need to be tackled. Various research papers may look at how this problem should be solved, while others may look at solutions that have been developed but could use a few changes. Overall, research papers help us understand the issue in a deeper capacity. Many of us just hope the problem can be solved sooner than later.

The following points are just a few areas in which childhood obesity has been researched. A few of these points may need further investigation or prove to be an area of interest for future research paper content.

  • Exploring common reasons why childhood obesity is a problem. Many people feel children eat too much food, have poor diets that lack fruits and veggies, or don’t exercise enough during the day. This may be true, but each reason has other reasons behind it making the problem more complex.
  • Parents may not be encouraging their children as much as they should. Meaning, some parents may not realize they are being a role model in how their child eats. Parents can set examples by eating healthy themselves or help their child learn to cut portions of certain types of foods. Aside from good eating and snacking habits, exercise and physical activity is another point of concern. Some parents may not be doing enough of this either.
  • When obesity runs in the family or is related to a health condition. In some cases, children who are overweight may not be able to help themselves or it may not necessarily be their fault. Sometimes a hormonal imbalance may be to blame or certain medications may add on the pounds.
  • Childhood obesity may cause other health problems making it more difficult to experience weight loss.
  • Children who are considered overweight may find it challenging to lose weight or keep it off if they have a health condition such as juvenile diabetes or issues with their thyroid. In such cases, parents need to help children understand their options in achieving better health. This may include consulting a dietitian or physician who specializes in treating overweight children.