Finding information for your science projects

 Science projects can be a really huge stress on your week, or even your month. There's really no way of knowing where to even start. Once you've figured out what you would like to do for your Science project, it's time to begin your research. Of course you have your textbooks, but where else can you start to look in order to get enough research to help you get the grade you want?

Check The Library

Though it's 'old fashioned' and not many people use them anymore, libraries are an amazing source of information and they usually have vast articles, publications, books, and other things on a lot of topics, especially a university or college library. It's there to help students, not only just be a place to study.  Libraries also have resource computers and access to archives online that will assist you in finding and printing out a reference piece that you may not have had before.

Surf The Internet

Of course, then there's the modern way of getting help and finding somewhere to get information for your Science project is the amazing Internet. Just with a simple click you can search your project and come up with thousands of references to use for your project. Be careful though, because not all the information on the internet may be true. It's usually recommended to stick with sites that aren't public domain .com URLs. .gov, .net and .org are all usual trusted websites. If a website has a 'Works Cited' reference at the end of their page's content, it's also suggested to possibly check out what they used to find their information as well.

Use Your Textbooks

 Like stated before, it is recommended to look in your science textbooks. If your peer is in another type of science that focuses more on what your project may contain, ask to borrow their book (though remember to return it when you're finished). Many people don't think to use what they already have to start research. It may give you a good base to begin on, and then give you suggested things to expand your project's topics with.

Talk To Your Professor

Lastly, the most recommended idea is to talk to your professor or instructor for ideas, or suggestions. They've been in this science 'game' longer than you have, and they might have some tricks up their sleeves that they're willing to hand out to those students that actually come to them for help. It's not hard to find information for science projects, it's honestly all about where you need to look.
