3 Ways to Edit and Proofread Your Essays

Some people believe that the easiest way to write any kind of paper is letting your fingers strike the keys as fast as they can –as long as you stay on topic– and then worry about editing the “not-so-important” bits or the “useless fluff”.

Others say a well-written essay takes time to write and even more time to edit, putting enough thought in each and every word that travels from the keyboard into your computer screen, and ultimately out of the printer into the reader’s hands.

Once the content is written, and whichever way you chose to write it, the key to delivering a fairly decent essay is proofreading.

Here are 3 ways to proofread your essays before turning them in:

  1. Do your own proofreading. Once you finish writing your essay, take a day or two away from your paper and then go through it two or three more times. Look out for any phrases or terms that may seem “out of place”; keep an eye out for any slang that may have slipped through or any overly technical language you may have used, as well as any pretentious terms you may have thought was a good idea to put in there.
  2. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but keep in mind an essay is meant for someone else to read!
  3. Let someone else (other than the person who’s grading your essay) to read your paper before you turn it in. Be open to criticism, and be willing to work together with that individual (or group of individuals) to figure out how to improve your work. Sometimes we need a different perspective to be able to see our own mistakes –just make sure your critic is somebody you trust, who will give you an honest opinion while keeping an objective mindset and not someone who is will keep constructive criticism to himself or someone who would refrain from providing any feedback to avoid hurting your feelings.
  4. You can go the extra mile and hire a professional to proofread your work. These days, you can find a wide range of online freelancers and professional editors who are willing to point out your mistakes and provide constructive criticism for a price. The good news: you’ll receive objective feedback that will most likely improve your work. The bad news: you’re going to have to come up with the money!